Taking Charge and Being In Control – Why Ownership Matters
Are you tired of feeling like everyone else in in control of you? Perhaps it’s time to consider owning your own business.
In this article, I want to share with you why taking charge and being in control is important, and why ownership matters more than we think.
At the end of this article, check out a great video about how to discover your gift for success
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6 Facts About Ownership
1. Hard Work Is Only the Start
Working hard and simply knowing the right people does not guarantee that you are more likely to get hired, earn a promotion, win an award, or stave off being laid off. So working hard helps, but it guarantees nothing!
Some of the hardest working people I know, earn less than people who don’t work nearly as hard.
Click here to see why hard work isn’t always enough.
2. Ownership = Control
If you don’t own it, then you don’t control it, and you can’t dictate any of the rules or major decisions about it.
With this in mind, someone else is going to make the rules, enforce the rules and manage all of the decision about you and your future. Consequently, there are no ways around this one.
If you really want to know why taking charge and being in control is important, and why ownership matters more than we think, try exerting control over something you don’t own.
You will get placed in check real fast…legally, physically, and egotistically.
Click here to read why ownership is a habit of wealthy people.
3. Your Job Isn’t Your Job
At the end of the day, it’s not your business and it’s really not YOUR job. The job is on loan to you for as long as they need you and want you. Or at least until you do something against their rules that they crafted and developed.
Also, you won’t always get hired when you deserve it, get the promotion you think you should have gotten, or get treated as fairly as you like. And usually, there is very little you can do about it.
If you do something that they don’t like, bye bye. When someone gives you something, like a job or food on your table, they can always take it back.
4. Owners Do the Hiring and Firing
If you aren’t the owner and are simply an employer at a job, you can be replaced! But you can’t replace the owner.
As long as they are within the confines of the law, business owners will surround themselves with who they want and are comfortable with.
As a result, they will hire who they want, and they will promote who they want. But don’t be angry, because you’d probably do the same thing too.
What is the “Look”
We’ve all been at the job where the new intern comes in at 24 years old, fresh out of college, with “the look”. That’s the “look” that you’ve seen promoted and moved up the fast track before.
It’s the look that resembles the other 19 managers you’ve seen before.
You end up training this person, and 3 years later, you’re sitting there wondering how they became your supervisor. They were placed on the “fast track” up the corporate ladder.
Let’s not pretend like we haven’t seen this.
Meanwhile you are working hard, always on time, working overtime, knowledgeable, well-qualified, and mad!
That’s because your promotion on the job has NOTHING to do with what’s “fair”. It has everything to do with the fact that those that own it hire who they please.
Until you become an owner, you may never understand that, but that is how it works.
And 99 times out of 100 it’s not your attitude, not the way you dress, not the way you talk or the way you walk. Don’t question yourself, because it’s probably not you!
They want you to think it’s you, but the bottom line is they own it and you don’t! Period.
When you own it, you can hire who you want, promote who you want, and do as you please. This is why ownership matters.
5. Laws Protect Ownership
You cannot ask, beg, legislate, or march your way to any sort of sustainable fairness in the corporate or business world, or anywhere else for that matter.
I understand that laws do exist, such as the Americans Against Disability Act (ADA), the Act against Age Discrimination, the Civil Rights Act, and many others designed to prevent discrimination.
However, here is the bottom line: unless you want the government to own all of the businesses and make laws to legislate in favor of non-owners and themselves, which would do away with free enterprise, then there will always be biases.
We know that discrimination still happens at a disturbingly high rate, but there are natural biases that will take place, regardless of legislation.
I personally like free enterprise. The most effective way to play the game in a free enterprise market economy, is to become an owner! Should you fight for legislation? Sure.
But your biggest fight should be that of ownership, not borrowing or lobbying for the mere proximity to ownership.
6. Opinions and Feelings Don’t Change the Facts
My opinion, and your opinion, have no effect on the other 5 facts on this list. What we feel, believe, want, and how we think it should be, morally speaking, is completely irrelevant to these facts.
Things to Think About
Maybe you are reading this and you say to yourself that you simply don’t have a desire to be a business owner. Of course, that is totally your right and your choice, but you may want to ask yourself “Why”?
What have I been exposed to. or not been exposed to, which makes me so indifferent and/or against owning a business?
If you can’t really answer the question of why you don’t have a desire to be in a position of ownership, then perhaps you have to ask yourself some deeper questions, such as:
- Do I believe that being an owner of a business is too much work for me?
- Why am I satisfied working a 9 to 5 and being told what to do, when to do, and how to do?
- Am I smart enough, strong enough, disciplined enough, and capable of being an owner?
- Why am I ok being led, but not ok being the leader?
- What is it about me that makes me ok being under someone else’s control?
- Why am I more comfortable with someone else taking accountability and being responsible for me?
Many people volunteer to give up their right to be in control on one hand, and then complain about being treated poorly by the people they’ve allowed to be in control.
You can complain, but realistically, and it really pains me to say this, no one will really cares.
We will get rewarded for the risks we take, not for the passion with which we complain about the situation we are in.
I know this sounds really harsh, and I wish it wasn’t necessarily this way, but it is. Therefore, in the end, we can either complain, or we can do something about it.
What You Can Do
Change your thinking and your narrative about the notion of ownership, and consider shifting your paradigm when it comes to owning a business.
Being in charge and in control of a business is something all of us innately have an interest in, but for many of us, we’ve sort of abandoned these types of ideas.
And many of us have given in to a self-defeating attitude towards control, ownership, and being in charge.
We think it’s too stressful, it’s too time consuming, or it’s just “not worth it”.
The problem with abandoning the critical mindset of being an owner, means you will forever be under the thumb and control of someone else.
It’s almost like giving someone else the keys to your destiny and saying “I hope you get me there”.
When you believe the most you can be is an employee, be prepared to live a life of pleasing others, smiling when you don’t want to smile, or being in constant fear of losing a job.
Thinking like this means not only your economic destiny, but your electricity, your water, the clothes on your back, and the food on your table, are all tied to someone else’s decisions. That’s scary.
Whether it’s growing plants, baking pies, encouraging and motivating others, writing a book, or whatever. The ideas are endless.
Everyone doesn’t have to build a big business with hundreds of employees.
However, if you embrace the concept of ownership, at least you can spend time and energy devoted to following your natural skills and passion into a small business you can call your own!
You can start by reading new books about self improvement, take some new classes, learn a new skill in an area that interest you, or sharpen some natural skills you already have.
Perhaps you can begin to research and monetize whatever it is that you are passionate about or an area you are skilled in.
The beauty in business ownership is that it has nothing to do with your age, your gender, your socioeconomic level, or your level of formal education.
Moreover, you don’t have to have a degree to start a successful business and you certainly don’t have to have a bunch of money!
Start today! Whatever it may be, do it so much that if you had to quit your current job, or got laid off, you could start doing this full time and LOVE IT! The times we are in prove that nothing is certain.
What you ultimately do is up to you. But keep in mind that one of the most reliable ways that you can take responsibility and accountability for your economic future is through ownership. And the result of ownership is power.
There is power in creating something, building something, controlling your own destiny, and being able to cultivate and manage the growth and evolution of a product or a service.
In conclusion, if you are still wondering why taking charge and being in control is important, and why ownership matters more than we think, look no further than the fact that ownership is power.
Click here for 9 Ways to Cut Your Monthly Expenses and Take Charge Over Your Budget
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